Join Us!
Annual memberships are renewed each spring, $20.00 for individuals, $25for couples.
Members benefit from discounts from some of our community's generous nurseries and other suppliers!
Join us at any meeting to sign up. Meetings are at 7:00 pm on the last Wednesday of each month, except July and August - and some are site visits, see schedule.
Meeting location is the Creston Public Library meeting room.
Our Purpose
Here we will explain the purposes of the CVGC and typical activities.
Also, other services we provide in the community including services and/or donations.
Involvement Opportunities
Tour Planning
A volunteer group will be locating gardens for the 2020 tour, and in July club members will be able to visit them. Then tasks involve arranging for the garden plaques to be created, planning the promotion, designing posters, organizing for volunteers, and many other details. Many hands make light work!
Club Education and Activity Planning
Contributions of ideas and contacts for great speakers, garden DIY projects, gardens we could visit, or other program ideas are welcome!